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Beatification of John Paul II – 1 May 2011
The universal awareness of a person’s greatness is the sign that
this person has earned respect for his remarkable role in the history of
mankind. During the lifetime of John Paul II, it was becoming more
and more evident that he will earn the appellation “the Great” – as
his contribution to the modern history of the Christian Church and
mankind, along with the meaning and impact of his long pontifi cate
(1978-2005) cannot be overestimated. Ever since the passing of the Holy
Father (2 April 2005) the conviction has been growing that his personal
holiness was manifested throughout his entire life and papacy.
The word “holy” originates from the Hebrew meaning “out of the
ordinary”, “different”. God is holy because He is absolutely out of the
ordinary, different than the world, thus He is not affected by any of
the world’s laws and limitations. The Christian faith states that those
who follow the will of God, while observing His commandments and
testifying of His love and mercy, are allowed to take a special part
in God’s life - even now in the worldly life. When they pass away,
on the other side of life – as death is not the end but the gate - they
experience the life of God in its fullness and obtain perfect joy.
In short, beatifi cation brings the blessed down from heaven to the altars
because it recognizes their holiness and holds them up as a model
for the faithful to follow. At the same time it encourages the faithful
to effectively use the intercession of the blessed ones. The subsequent
act in recognition of a Christian who showed outstanding moral
perfection, bordering on heroism and worthy of ecclesiastical public
veneration, is the process of canonization, i.e. the declaration that this
person has been included in the canon of recognized saints.
Beatifi cation (which originates from the Latin word beatifi care
meaning “to distinguish”, “to make happy” and “to declare blessed”)
is an ecclesiastical and liturgical declaration made at the conclusion
of a canonical beatifi cation process conducted by the Holy See in
accordance with the meticulously defi ned rules. Its purpose is to
present the Servant of God - who in public perception is already a saint
- as the one who lived a perfect Christian life, and also to reinforce
faith in his salvation. The whole life and actions of the person who
is to be raised to the altars are examined thoroughly in a scrupulous
beatifi cation process, and if the person is not a martyr, it is required
that a true miracle which occurred as the result of the intercession
of that person has been recognized. The Blessed is included into the
liturgical calendar of the Church, and is added to the list of those
believed to be ahead of us on the way to God, who already attained
the most desirable purpose of Christian life, which is salvation. The
faithful having the highest respect for the saints and the blessed, and
holding them in great veneration, proclaim their faith in eternal life as
well as effective salvation of the world and mankind by Jesus Christ.
While primarily being an act of the Church, beatifi cation carries
enormous social signifi cance. By showing the model of a good life,
the rite teaches that goodness is one of the most important and
recommendable values. The man who is blessed and holy builds
up relationship between God and His people, as well as relations
amongst individuals, thereby contributing to the realization of the
ideals which, regardless of the religion that we follow, integrate and
bring us together. Every religion has its own heroes, while the greatest
heroes of Christianity are the saints and the blessed. Their lives come
as a proof to the fact that being faithful to God and the holy will of God
is not only possible, but also brings forth the most beautiful fruits of
On 1 May 2011, during a solemn Holy Mass celebrated in Rome,
Pope Benedict XVI will pronounce a special beatifi cation formula and
from this moment John Paul II will become one of the blessed. The
relics will be placed at the altar, a painting depicting the new Blessed
will be unveiled and the solemn hymn “Glory to God in the highest”
will be sung. Afterwards, the Holy Father will address God through
the intercession of Blessed John Paul II in a prayer which from thismoment will be included in the liturgical prayers of the Catholic Church.
The most important virtues and services of the Blessed will be referred to
in the occasional homily.
The beatifi cation of John Paul II is an exceptional event. For the fi rst
time in the history of the Roman Catholic Church the Pope will beatify
his immediate predecessor. Pope Benedict XVI, as Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, worked with the Polish born Pontiff for many years, assisting
him and offering support in everyday work. In this case, the solemn
beatifi cation not only marks the end of a meticulous canonic process, but
it is also an expression of personal conviction of Pope Benedict XVI that
his predecessor - whom he knew perfectly well - was out of the ordinary,
showing the extraordinary nobility of spirit that marks a saint.
The beatifi cation of John Paul II is also Poland’s and the Poles’ day
of national pride as the country’s eminent son enters the treasury of
prayer and memory of the Catholic Church, making the country famous
Rev. Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw