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Canonisation of John Paul II, 27 IV 2014

Canonization (Latin: canonizatio) means “declaring
someone a saint”, which is an official recognition
of the sanctity of the person’s life by the Holy See,
an announcement by the Pope that the person is
worthy of public worship in the universal Church,
and the inclusion of the person in the venerable list
of saints. The canonization occurs at the conclusion of
a canonization process lasting many years and differs
from the beatification in that beatification initiates the
official cult of the Blessed person in a local Church, that
is, in a particular diocese or a country, and canonization
extends the cult to the whole Church.
Pope John Paul II, during 51 canonization ceremonies,
declared 482 persons to be saints, most of whom were
martyrs for the Christian faith. After 9 years since the
death of the Polish Pope, John Paul II himself – beatified
on 1 May 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI – is included in
the canon of saints. This is the fulfilment of the cries
of crowds, gathered at St. Peter’s Square in Rome on
the day of the Pope’s funeral: “Santo Subito” or “Saint
immediately!”. The act of the official canonization
confirms the greatness of John Paul II, his steadfastness
in confessing and proclaiming the Gospel, as well as
huge appreciation and gratitude for the gift of the
extraordinary pontificate, which occupies a unique
place in the history of the world, the Catholic Church
and Poland.
Rev. Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw