Topics of coins
Relics of the palace and religious complex in Ostrów Lednicki

Ostrów Lednicki – the biggest island on Lake
Lednica – is the most significant location
associated with the historical origins of the
Polish state. From the second half of the tenth
century to the first half of the eleventh century
it hosted an extensive residential and political
centre of the first Polish rulers: Mieszko I,
Bolesław the Brave and Mieszko II. Within the
fortified settlement, originally surrounded with
very high walls, there are relics of the palatial
buildings and the chapel with baptismal fonts,
which have been preserved to the present times.
In the fifteenth century Jan Długosz wrote that
(...) the Gniezno Metropolitan Cathedral was once
founded [there] (which is confirmed by the ruins
and remains of the walls), but with the passage
of time [it was] moved to Gniezno due to access
difficulties. Many researchers also claim that it
might have been the location of the baptism
of Mieszko I in the year 966 (?), which marked
the symbolic baptism of Poland and its entry
into Christian civilisation. Pope John Paul II
referred to this tradition in 1997, speaking of
Ostrów Lednicki as the baptismal font of Poland.
In the year 1994 the island, which remains
under the curatorship of the Museum of the
First Piasts at Lednica, was included on the list
of historic monuments.
The coin depicts relics of extreme importance
to the Polish cultural heritage and national
identity: the palatium (on the obverse of the coin
– the layout of the palatium and its reconstruction)
and the palace chapel with baptismal
fonts from the 960s (on the obverse – the layout
of the chapel and its reconstruction and on
the reverse – the authentic relics, view from
the east), and also one of the most valuable eleventh
century monuments of this type in Poland,
the staurotheke, that is the reliquary of the True
Cross (in the foreground of the reverse).
Andrzej M. Wyrwa