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Józef Piłsudski

The Poznań Town Hall is the greatest
On 11 November 1918 an armistice was signed between
the Allies and Germany in the Compiègne forest north
of Paris. Fighting on the Western fronts ceased and
Europeans began celebrating the end of the four-yearlong
The results of World War I tore down the old order in
Europe, and strengthened the dreams of Poles, Czechs
or Ukrainians of their own statehood. The Polish
efforts to regain independence lasted throughout the
19th century. They intensified in 1914-1918, even though
Poles could not agree on the tactics to be adopted in
the light of the conflict devastating the world.
At the time of the Compiègne armistice, Polish
territories remained under the control of Germany
and Austria-Hungary. From October 1918, the already
visible weakening of this control had been used for the
establishment of regional centers of Polish independent
rule. However, the developments in the territories of
the German Kingdom of Poland, established in 1916,
were the most important. The Regency Council, which
ruled the state at the appointment of the Central
Powers, tried to act as the representative of the whole
nation, but it did not possess sufficient pan-national
recognition as a Polish sovereign authority. In early
November 1918, the Provisional People’s Government
of the Republic of Poland formed in Lublin by the
political Left tried to abolish the Regency Council.
They, however, failed to secure the support of the right
wing, led by Roman Dmowski. The internal conflicts
undermined Polish potential on the international
scene. The situation was further clouded by the Polish-
Ukrainian fighting over Lwów and Eastern Galicia
(from 1 November), as well as uncertainty about the
potential reaction by the German soldiers occupying
areas in the east reaching up to the Black Sea coast.
The turning point was the arrival of Józef Piłsudski in
Warsaw on 10 November 1918. Piłsudski – who had
just been released from German custody – during the
war had gained the reputation of a freedom fighter
standing above all political divisions. As such he was
able to establish cooperation with different political
forces. As the Provisional Head of the State, he quickly
proceeded to form the structures of the Polish statehood,
which was recognized by the Western powers, as a result of
Dmowski’s diplomatic efforts. Piłsudski also facilitated the
return of the German soldiers to the Reich, so no foreign
militaries remained in the territories of the reborn Polish
state, and finally he led to the organization of free elections.
Poland was reborn as a democratic parliamentary republic.
Although the creation of the Polish state lasted for many
months after, the November of 1918 made history as the
symbolic beginning of that process.
Andrzej Chojnowski