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The Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists

The name “Enduring Soldiers” or “Cursed Soldiers” is used to
refer to the post-war Polish independence and anti-Communist
underground movement. Even though World War II had formally
ended, as many as 200,000 soldiers of the Second Polish Republic
continued to fight for a free Poland. The struggle against the
Soviets and their Polish collaborators went on for the next 10 years,
i.e. until the mid-1950s. Between 1945-1947 the guerrillas were
often the sole masters of the territory. Their principal goal was to
defend Poles against Soviet terror – plundering, rape and murder.
The soldiers belonged to various formations of the armed
underground movement – Freedom and Independence (Zrzeszenie
“Wolność i Niezawisłość”), National Armed Forces (Narodowe
Siły Zbrojne), National Military Union (Narodowe Zjednoczenie
Wojskowe), Underground Polish Army (Konspiracyjne Wojsko
Polskie), Resistance Movement of the Home Army (Ruch Oporu
Armii Krajowej), the 5th and 6th Vilnius Brigade of the Home
Army, Józef Kuraś “Błyskawica” Group and many others, including
youth organizations.
The majority of these had already begun their struggle for Poland
during the defensive war against the Germans and Soviets in
September 1939. Some joined the underground army in the
successive years of the occupation. They all swore an oath of
allegiance to the Republic of Poland, and steadfast defended the
values of “God, Honour and Fatherland” until the end. Among
them were nationalists, Christian democrats and peasant activists,
as well as supporters of Piłsudski and socialists – the entire
spectrum of pre-war Poland, excluding, of course, communists,
who already had a hostile attitude to the Polish state during the
Second Polish Republic.
As the war was drawing to an end and the scales tipped in favour
of the Allies, it became clear (especially after the fall of the Warsaw
Uprising) that the Soviet Red Army had no intention of liberating
Poland and that its secret service agency, the NKVD, had other
aims than assisting the Home Army in combating the Germans.
Thus, despite the capitulation of Nazi Germany in May 1945, the
fight for Poland’s freedom and independence continued, also in
the eastern territories of the pre-war Poland incorporated into the
Soviet Union.
They had to fight in an extremely difficult and as it turned out
hopeless situation – with the Soviet empire pacifying Poland on the
one hand, and the West, which had betrayed the country, leaving it
at the mercy of Stalin, on the other hand. The hopes for World War III
– a conflict between the West and the East – were also soon dispelled.
Communist activity (widespread terror, rigging the “3 x Yes”
referendum of June 1946 and the parliamentary elections of
January 1947) left no doubts as to the real intentions of the new
authorities imposed on Poland. Moreover, amnesties declared by
the Communists for armed Polish soldiers were a trap. Coming out
of hiding meant death or at best – imprisonment and repression.
However, soldiers remained faithful to the Republic of Poland to
the end – either by remaining at their posts in the underground
or maintaining their dignity during investigations. “The value of
a struggle,” according to Prof. Henryk Elzenberg, “is not in the
chances for the success of the cause for which it was taken up, but
in the greatness of the cause.”
The balance of this uneven fight was tragic – over 20,000 Enduring
Soldiers died in battle. Tens of thousands more ended up in torture
cells of the NKVD or Poland’s Department of Security (Urząd
Bezpieczeństwa) or Military Information and in labour camps,
and many were deported to the Soviet Union. Those who did
not surrender to the Soviet invaders – commanders and soldiers,
priests, political activists, as well as scouts and school students –
faced repression, long-term imprisonment and very often death.
As with the Polish officers executed in Katyń, not only did Poland
lose soldiers, but for the second time also its elites and high
command. In civilian life, the Enduring Soldiers were clerks,
engineers, lawyers, artists...
More and more often historians tend to refer to the struggle of
the Enduring Soldiers as the last Polish uprising – the anti-Soviet
uprising. Its idea, character and territorial range closely resembles
the January Uprising of 1863. Not only did the Soviets and their
Polish collaborators murder them, but they also tried to kill any
memory of them. In the end the Communists’ diabolical plan to
wipe out every trace of them, to efface them from history and to
accurse them did not succeed. Today the Enduring Soldiers are
gradually regaining their place in the consciousness of Poles.
Tadeusz Płużański