Topics of coins
Bronisław Piłsudski

Bronisław Piłsudski (1866-1918) - exile and ethnographer, also called
the King of the Ainu people, brother of Marshal Józef Piłsudski. He
was born in Zulovo, Lithuania. In 1886, he started law studies at Saint
Petersburg University, yet he failed to graduate as he was involved in a plot
to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. Then, a twist of fate brought him to
quite a different reality, distant from his youthful plans. In St Petersburg,
he was sentenced to death penalty, which was later commuted to fifteen
years' heavy labour on Sakhalin Island. He arrived on Sakhalin in August
1887. His exile experience encompassed working as a woodcutter, prison
clerk, meteorologist, builder of meteorological stations, as well as teacher
and ethnographer, activities that preoccupied him most. In one of his
articles, Piłsudski wrote that he enjoyed contacts with the locals, as
'this was the only group on the island to remain morally uncorrupted.'
He gave the following description of his commitment: 'I became close to
those people who suffer unjust treatment and face extinction... I treated
them, vaccinated them against pox, taught them to read and write;
I was their interpreter and advocate before the authorities. I won their
full confidence and was accepted as a member of one of the families.'
Bronisław Piłsudski is considered a distinguished ethnographer
specialising in the research into the culture of Sakhalin indigenous
people - the Ainu, Oroks, and Nivkhs. His research achievements have
been widely acknowledged by contemporary cultural anthropologists
and ethnologists all over the world. Moreover, he helped to preserve
the cultural identity and integrity of the local peoples by sending
memoranda to the tsarist authorities. He also established schools for the
Ainu. Piłsudski gathered ethnographic collections for the museums in
St Petersburg and Vladivostok. In that, he was supported by Russian
scientific societies, thanks to which the conditions of his exile were
relaxed and in 1899 he took up work of a custodian at the museum
in Vladivostok. He also participated in the expedition led by Wacław
Sieroszewski to the island of Hokkaido aimed at conducting research
into the culture of the Hokkaido Ainu (1903). Afterwards, he settled
back in Sakhalin. Preoccupied with studying the indigenous culture, he
remained on friendly terms with the natives of the island. The Nivkhs
dubbed him 'Akan' - the big brother; his wife - with whom he had a son
and a daughter - was Ainu. Their descendants still live in Japan.
Friendly and family relations with the natives allowed Piłsudski to
describe their customs and traditions. He came to know the secrets
of shamanism and the cult of the bear. He collected texts of prayers,
legends and songs, as well as materials to compile dictionaries using
the innovative method of phonographic recording; he also documented
the culture in photographs. Piłsudski's life in exile was influenced by
different circumstances, yet it was marked by an abundance of emotions
and involvement in the life of the natives. He left his Ainu family and Sakhalin in 1905, when he illegally went to Japan. He spent 8 months
there studying the Ainu culture. He then left for the United States and in
the fall of 1906, he returned to Poland to settle in Galicia - first in Cracow,
later in Zakopane and Lviv. His ethnographic research conducted in the
Podhale region in the years 1906-1914 is also worth noting. At the outbreak
of World War I, he left for Vienna and subsequently for Switzerland and
France, where he worked in the office of the Polish National Committee.
He committed suicide on 17 May 1918 in Paris and was buried in the
Montmorency cemetery. In 2000, a symbolic tombstone was erected in
honour of Piłsudski in the 'Pęksowy Brzyzek' Cemetery in Zakopane.
Bronisław Piłsudski left a vast collection of scientific work, which was
only partially published during his life in French, Japanese, German,
Polish and Russian languages. There were attempts to combine the
materials during the interwar period, but that was only possible at the
end of the 20th century with the establishment of the International
Committee for the Preservation and Assessment of the Scientific Legacy
of Bronisław Piłsudski and the publishing of his collected works (The
Collected Works of Bronisław Piłsudski). A monument in honour of
Bronisław Piłsudski was erected in Sakhalin, a mountain in Sakhalin
was named after him and there is also the Bronisław Piłsudski scientific
institute which publishes a yearbook entitled 'Izwiestija Instituta
Nasledija Bronisława Piłsudskogo.' A periodical entitled 'Piłsudskiana de Sapporo' is published in Sapporo; a team composed of Japanese, Polish
and Russian authors is preparing his biography, project financed by the
Japanese Government grant. Three international conferences devoted
to Piłsudski were held: in Sapporo (1985), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (1991),
and Cracow and Zakopane (1999); a number of Japanese and Polish
biographical films devoted to him have been produced; the Polish Post
issued a stamp featuring his likeness; there are commemorative medals
and plaques in honour of this exile and ethnographer of international
renown who remained forgotten until very recently. The coins issued by
the NBP are also intended to pay homage to the researcher who should
remain vivid in our memory.
Prof. dr hab. Antoni Kuczyński.
University of Wrocław
Chair of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology