Coin designers
Urszula Walerzak

Urszula Walerzak has graduated from The Wojciech Gerson State High School of Fine Arts in Warsaw with a diploma in the art of arranging exhibitions. Then, she has also graduated from The College of Cultural Management in Poznań.
She design for a Polish National Bank, The Mint of Poland Treasury, and international issuers, among others.
Her most important successes in the field of coin design include:
- Honourable mention in Coin Constellation 2009 Sankt Petersburg: third award for 20 rubel coin ‘’Novosele” issued by National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
- Special award from net surferers Coin Constellation 2009 for 500 rubel coin ‘’Mikolaj Cudotworca” issued by National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
- COTY 2010 - Coin of the Year Award 2010 for 200zl coin – 65th Anniverary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- COTY 2011 - Coin of the Year Award 2011 for 10zl coin – 70th Anniverasy of Formation of Polish Underground State
- Coin Constellation 2011 second award for gift coin, Christmas star 1Dollar, 2010 Niue Island
- Coin Constellation 2013 – second award for a unique conception - The 2012 UEFA European Championship (a set of 4 coins with a nominal value of 10 zł)
- 28th Mint Directors Conference in Mexico City 2014 – main award in category most technologically advanced coin of free mass – Fortuna Redux 50 Dollars Niue Island
- Coin Constellation 2014 second award in the category "Unique Idea Concept" – Fortuna Redux 50 Dollars Niue Island