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Lesser horseshoe bat
The lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) belongs to the
family of horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae). Scientists distinguish only one,
sizeable genus (Rhinolophus) within the horseshoe bat family. Currently,
the genus consists of 77 species, five of which inhabit Europe. The
geographical range of the lesser horseshoe bat covers the area from the
Iberian Peninsula in Europe to Kashmir in Asia. The species also inhabits
North Africa. It lives in uplands and lower regions of mountain areas.
In Europe, the most numerous population of the lesser horseshoe bat
lives in the Mediterranean Sea area. The northernmost sites have been
reported in Western Ireland. In Poland, the habitat of the lesser horseshoe
bat covers the Kraków-Częstochowa Highland, the Polish Carpathian
mountains (excluding the Tatras) and the Polish Sudety mountains.
Single specimens have been spotted in Podkarpacie and Śląsk Opolski
area. The most numerous population inhabits the Beskidy mountains.
The lesser horseshoe bat (average weight: 4-8 grams) is one of the
smallest bats living in Poland. Its fur is soft and fluffy, light brown or greyand-
brown on the dorsal side; the bat's ventral fur is paler and greyish.
Juveniles are coloured darker than adult bats. The lesser horseshoe bat
has wide and short wings, which are grey and brown in colour. There is
also a larger horseshoe bat (average weight: 19-30 grams) in the Polish
fauna. It is much bigger and can be found very rarely.
The lesser horseshoe bat's nose is covered with a fleshy growth; its
part, surrounding the bat's nostrils, is called a horseshoe - hence the
name of the bats. The lesser horseshoe bats send echolocation signals
of a frequency of 108-114 kHz through their nostrils, and the flap of skin
around the nose helps intensify and direct the signals. The horseshoe
bats are able to move their ears, and ear movements are synchronised
with the echolocation signal emission.
The lesser horseshoe bat usually roosts in warm attics, mainly in
churches, where it forms small colonies (usually consisting of 10-200 bats)
- allowing an ideal nursery roost. In the past, the species roosted also in
caves and fortifications. The horseshoe bat winters alone or in colonies,
always at a distance from other individuals, wrapping wing membranes
around its body. The bat's hibernacula include caves, disused mines,
abandoned quarries or fortifications. The lesser horseshoe bat chooses
rather warm places (6-9oC), where the relative air humidity is high. It is
loyal to its roosts and uses them year after year.
The gestation period of the lesser horseshoe bat lasts approximately
75 days. Delivery of the young usually occurs between mid-June and mid-
July. A female gives birth to one offspring which becomes self-sufficient
after six to seven weeks. Representatives of the species attain sexual
maturity in autumn at the beginning of the second year of their lives.
In the natural habitat the lesser horseshoe bat's average life span is four
to five years although its maximum life span is 29 years and 5 months.
The lesser horseshoe bat is a sedentary species, and it stays in the
same area throughout the year. Its feeding areas include forests, orchards,
parklands, tree-covered pastures and stony hillsides, invariably within
the range of 2,5 km from its roost. The peak of the lesser horseshoe bat's
hunting activity is in the early hours of the night. It shows preference
for small insects (taxonomic orders of Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera,
Neuroptera, Coleoptera). It snatches them in mid-air or collects them from
the surface of rocks, walls, leaves and tree trunks. Its flight is agile and
resembles that of a butterfly. Young bats learn flying while clinging to
their mothers.
On the European Red List, the lesser horseshoe bat has been
classified as vulnerable (VU), i.e. considered to be facing a high risk
of extinction. According to the Polish Red Data Book of Animals, the
species is classified under EN category, i.e. endangered species.
A dramatic decline in the population of horseshoe bats in Europe
(in Poland, reaching over 90%) took place in 1950s-1980s. This came
as a consequence of a widespread use of highly toxic pesticides, both
in agriculture and forestry. Currently, the population of the lesser
horseshoe bat appears to have reached a stable number, and showing
an increase in some locations. Nevertheless, it remains a species
highly in danger of extinction. The main threats to the existence of the
lesser horseshoe bat are: human disturbance in the bat's hibernacula,
decreasing number of nursery roosts (improperly conducted renovation
of churches) as well fragmentation and loss of foraging habitats, mostly
as a consequence of ill-planned infrastructure development.
Wiesław Bogdanowicz
Museum and the Institute of Zoology
Polish Academy of Sciences