Wet Monday [20]

Wet Monday

Subject: The Polish Calendar of Traditional Customs and Rituals
Face value: 20 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 38.61 mm
Weight: 28.28 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 44000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: pad printing
Date of issue: 2003-04-16
Issue price: 68 pln
Scene showing boys and girls pouring water over each other, with a well, cottages, and part of a church in the background, and the circumscription: ŚMIGUS DYNGUS in a semicircle below.

Designer: Robert Kotowicz
An image of the Eagle as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland, on a decorative curtain background, with the circumscription made in gold paint: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA in a semicircular arrangement. Below an Easter lamb, Easter eggs made in paints: blue, gold, green, and red, and willow branches. The year of issue: 2003, marked on the left; and an inscription: 20 / ZŁ, on the right. Under the left talon of the Eagle, the Mint mark: m/w.

Designer: Robert Kotowicz

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Article linked with this coin

Wet Monday

Throughout the whole of Poland Easter Monday - also known as lany poniedziałek ("Wet Monday") is a day that cuts a splash. It's the day of the śmigus-dyngus, a playful custom indulged in by one and all, but chiefly children and young people, and consists in the mutual throwing of water on one another.

Originally the names śmigus and dyngus referred to two distinct, ancient customs:

1. Śmigus - striking, thrashing, or merely touching other persons (chiefly girls and young married women) with a green branch, otherwise known as the green or dry śmigus encountered in Northern Poland and in the Cieszyn area of Silesia; or splashing them with water. Both of these varieties of śmigus were believed to foster health, ensure beauty, and bring vitality.

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