The Grey Seal [20]
The Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Face value: 20 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 38.61 mm
Weight: 28.28 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 58000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2007-01-17
Issue price: 91 pln
Designer: Robert Kotowicz
Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
Shopping price comparison
130.00 | || | 149.00 | | | 149.00 | | 155.00 | | | 159.00 | |
165.00 | | 170.00 | |
199.00 | ||
199.99 |
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Article linked with this coin
The seals found in the Baltic Sea are classified under three species: grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), common seal (Phoca vitulina) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida).
All the above-specified species have been and still are found close to the Polish coast. Numerous records and rich historical data provide the evidence that they lived in large numbers on and around the coast of Poland. The population of grey seals has been always the largest, it is a species typical of the coastal zone. Still in the 30s of the 20th century it used to reproduce on the Polish coast, but it does not form resident colonies there any more. In 1984, it was placed under legal protection in Poland.
The grey seal is the largest Baltic seal. As the only species of seals, it has a characteristic, ...