Castle in Malbork [2]
Castle in Malbork
Face value: 2 pln
Alloy: (CuAl5Zn5Sn1) NG
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 8.15 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 680000 pcs
On the edge: an inscription, NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2002-10-23
Issue price: 2 pln
Designer: Roussanka Nowakowska
Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
Shopping price comparison
7.00 | ||
9.00 | ||
9.99 | || | 10.00 |
11.00 | || | 14.24 | |
14.60 | || | 16.00 | | 17.00 | | | 18.00 | | | 20.00 |
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Article linked with this coin
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