5 zł. of 1928 Nike [2]

5 zł coin of 1928 (Nike)

Subject: History of the Polish Zloty
Face value: 2 pln
Alloy: (CuAl5Zn5Sn1) NG
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 8.15 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 900000 pcs
On the edge: an inscription, NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2007-04-18
Issue price: 2 pln
On the right-hand side, an image of the reverse of the 5 z¸ coin of 1928. In the background, a stylised plant-like motif. At the bottom, a semicircular inscription, DZIEJE ZŁOTEGO (History of the Polish Zloty).

Designer: Andrzej Nowakowski
An image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland. At the sides of the Eagle, the notation of the year of issue, 20-07. Below the Eagle an inscription, ZŁ 2 ZŁ, an inscription in the rim, RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, preceded and followed by six pearls. The Mint's mark under the Eagle's left leg, m/w.

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska

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Article linked with this coin

5 zł coin of 1928

Among the regulations of 1924 putting order to the Polish monetary system, there was the Minting law, which provided for the issuance of coins of 5 zł face value. They were to be silver coins, 25 g in weight, and 750 fine, i.e. with the silver content of 18.75 g. The Warsaw Mint soon began work on trial coins of such face value. In 1925, five-zloty coins with the image of the Constitution were ready. Unfortunately, it turned out that they had been minted with a higher fine - 900 (instead of the legally binding 750). In other words, the five-zloty coin was worth 6 zloty. From this small (around 2,000 coins) emission, 100 pieces were selected and given the status of collector coins, also monograms were added of the Polish president Stanislaw Wojciechowski and Prime Minister ...

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