150. January Uprising [2]

150th Anniversary of the January 1863 Uprising

Subject: no
Face value: 2 pln
Alloy: (CuAl5Zn5Sn1) NG
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 8.15 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 800000 pcs
On the edge: an inscription, NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2013-01-16
Issue price: 2 pln
On the left, a stylised fragment of an uprising graphics by Artur Grottger entitled “Farewell of an Insurrectionist.” Right of the fragment, on a separate plane, a stylised composition comprising a pennant and jewellery worn by Polish patriots. Along the rim, an inscription: 150. ROCZNICA POWSTANIA STYCZNIOWEGO (150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE JANUARY UPRISING).

Designer: Roussanka Nowakowska
An image of the Eagle established as the state emblem of the Republic of Poland. On the Eagle’s sides, the notation of the year of issue: 20-13; below the Eagle, an inscription: ZŁ 2 ZŁ. Along the rim, an inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (REPUBLIC OF POLAND) preceded and followed by six pearls. Under the Eagle, on the right, the Mint mark: M/W.

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska

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Article linked with this coin

150th Anniversary of the January 1863 Uprising

The years before the outbreak of the January Uprising were a period of repressions by Tsarist Russia, a time of mass resistance of the people as well as patriotic and religious demonstrations. On 27 February 1861, during one of them, fi ve people were killed. Their funerals, and shooting at the crowd gathered at the Castle Square in Warsaw a month later, with a hundred people killed, led to a radicalisation of sentiments, development of conspiracy and declaring a national mourning. In many cities, such as Vilnius, Żytomierz and Kielce, marches of support and solidarity with the capital were organised. Women started wearing mourning clothes. They also wore so-called patriotic jewellery with symbols of an enslaved nation: a crown of thorns, an anchor, a heart, shackles with ...

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