Wisent [2]

Wisent (Bison bonasus)

Subject: Animals of the World
Face value: 2 pln
Alloy: (CuAl5Zn5Sn1) NG
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 8.15 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 1000000 pcs
On the edge: an inscription, NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2013-10-24
Issue price: 2 pln
In the central part of the coin – images of two wisents on nature, separated with a decorative surface. In the lower part of the coin, along the rim – the name of the coin in Polish and Latin (ŻUBR – Bison bonasus).

Designer: Dobrochna Surajewska
An image of the Eagle established as the state emblem of the Republic of Poland. The notation of the year of issue, 20-13, at the sides of the Eagle. Below the Eagle, an inscription ZŁ 2 ZŁ. Along the rim, an inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA preceded and followed by six pearls. Under the Eagle, on the right, the Mint mark: M/W

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska

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Article linked with this coin

Wisent (Bison bonasus)

Wisent is the largest European terrestrial mammal, with the body weight reaching almost 1 tonne in males. The species lives in herds counting sometimes even over fifty individuals. Leaders of such herds are old, experienced females. Wisents feed upon ground flora of the forest, grasses and sedges growing at forest meadows, as well as tree leaves, twigs and bark. They have a very good sense of smell and hearing, but slightly weaker sight, may run with a speed of up to a few dozen kilometres per hour, and jump over obstacles up to 2 metres high. In a herd, wisents are not afraid of any predators, however weaker individuals or calves left behind the herd are likely to fall prey to wolves or bears.

The species was fairly common in forests of medieval Europe, ...

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