Sochi 2014 [2]

Polish Olympic Team Sochi 2014

Subject: no
Face value: 2 pln
Alloy: (CuAl5Zn5Sn1) NG
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 8.15 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 800000 pcs
On the edge: an inscription, NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2014-01-23
Issue price: 2 pln
The reverse depicts a cross-country skier during a competition. In the background – an image of stylized snowflakes. On the right – the olympic rings. Along the rim – the name of the coin in Polish: POLSKA REPREZENTACJA OLIMPIJSKA SOCZI 2014 (POLISH OLYMPIC TEAM SOCHI 2014).

Designer: Robert Kotowicz
In the central part of the coin – an image of an eagle from the coat of arms of the Republic of Poland. On the right and on the left – an inscription divided in two halves: 2014 (the year of issue). Along the rim – inscriptions: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (the Republic of Poland), ZŁ 2 Zł (the face value)

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska

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Article linked with this coin

Polish Olympic National Team Sochi 2014

Polish national team has participated in all the Winter Olympics to date. Poland made its Winter Olympics debut in Chamonix in 1924 but its modest-sized, seven-men team was not successful. In fact, it came close to failing to participate. Sportsmen arrived in the town late, missing the inauguration of the Games, so out of necessity during the opening ceremony Poland’s national flag was carried by one of Polish journalists. In the inter-war period the red-and-whites did not achieve major successes at the Olympic arenas, even though their ranks included such outstanding sportsmen as Stanisław Marusarz or Bronisław Czech. Poland had to wait for its first medals till 1956, when in Cortina d’Ampezzo Franciszek Gąsienica Groń claimed bronze in Nordic combined. ...

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