Benedykt Dybowski [10]
Benedykt Dybowski
Face value: 10 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight: 14.14 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 60000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2010-10-15
Issue price: 73 pln
Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
Shopping price comparison
61.50 | || | 65.00 | | | 65.00 | | 69.00 | | | 70.00 | |
72.00 | | 75.00 | |
89.99 | || | 99.00 |
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Article linked with this coin
Benedykt Dybowski was born in Adamaryni near Minsk on 12 May 1833. After he was tutored at home, he continued his education at a Minsk high school. Following graduation from school in 1853, he began to study at the Medical Faculty of the University of Dorpat (presently Tartu - translator's note). As a student he was awarded the Gold Medal for a paper on the freshwater fish of Estonia. In 1857, Dybowski had to move to Breslau (presently Wrocław) University for assisting in his friend's duel as second, and a year later to Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, where in 1860 he gained a degree in medicine after he had successfully defended doctoral dissertation on the parthenogenesis in bees. In 1862, he had his Berlin diploma recognised in Dorpat with ...
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