Smolensk 10.04.2010 [100]

In Memory of the Victims of the 10 April 2010 Presidential Plane Crash in Smolensk

Subject: no
Face value: 100 pln
Alloy: 900/1000 Au
Diameter: 21 mm
Weight: 8 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 5000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2011-04-04
Issue price: 1611 pln
In the centre, a stylised image of the late presidential couple. In the rim, an inscription: PARA PREZYDENCKA LECH I MARIA KACZYŃSCY 2005-2010 (Presidential Couple. Lech and Maria Kaczyński 2005-2010).

Designer: Anna Wątróbska-Wdowiarska
In the centre, a stylised image of a fluttering national flag of the Republic of Poland, cut with a black ribbon on the right. Above the flag, an inscription: SMOLEŃSK/10.04.2010. Below the flag and on the right, an image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland. On the sides of the Eagle's legs, the notation of the year of issue: 20-11; on its right side and at the top, an inscription: 100/ZŁ. At the bottom, a semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA [Republic of Poland]. The Mint's mark, M/W, under the Eagle's left leg.

Designer: Anna Wątróbska-Wdowiarska

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Article linked with this coin

Smolensk - in memory of the victims of 10 April 2010

The most tragic dates are not affected by the passing of time. They become embedded in the minds of people even when they morph into memory and then history left to next generations. The day of 10 April 2010 will always be such a date. At 8.41 a.m., the government plane Tu-154M with the Polish delegation to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre on board crashed at the Severny airport near Smolensk. All 96 persons lost their lives in the crash.

The speed of today's dissemination of information allowed the whole world to know of the fatal crash by 12 CET, share the disbelief in the size of the tragedy, and witness the shock and pain of the Polish public that grew ever bigger as new pieces of information were pouring in. The ...

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