Stefan Żeromski [200]

150th anniversary of the birth of Stefan Żeromski

Subject: no
Face value: 200 pln
Alloy: 900/1000 Au
Diameter: 27 mm
Weight: 15.5 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 2500 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: angle effect
Date of issue: 2014-10-02
Issue price: 2400 pln
In the central part of the coin: portrait of Stefan Żeromski in a square frame. In the bottom part of the coin – inscription: STEFAN ŻEROMSKI, years of birth and death of the novelist: 1864–1925.

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec
In the central part of the coin: image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Poland. Along the rim – face value: 200 zloty, issuing country: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, year of issue: 2014. Around the image of the coat of arms – titles of the novels by S. Żeromski: SYZYFOWE PRACE, POPIOŁY, LUDZIE BEZDOMNI, PRZEDWIOŚNIE, WIERNA RZEKA, DOKTOR PIOTR, WIATR OD MORZA, PUSZCZA JODŁOWA.

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec

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Article linked with this coin

150th anniversary of the birth of Stefan Żeromski

Stefan Żeromski was born on 14 October 1864 in Strawczyn (currently the province of Świętokrzyskie), died on 20 November 1925 in Warsaw. Buried at the Evangelical Reformed Cemetery in Warsaw. He was one of Poland’s most eminent prose writers and playwrights; a writer convinced of a special mission of the man of letters, his responsibility for shaping the nation’s and fatherland’s fate. He was writing under various pen names, e.g. Maurycy Zych, Józef Katerla.

Żeromski was born to a family of impoverished gentry. He spent his childhood and early youth in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. In 1874-1886 he attended the State Gymnasium for Boys in Kielce; at present the building seats the Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years, a branch ...

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