Ladislas Jagiello [50]

Ladislas Jagiello

Subject: Treasures of King Stanislaw August
Face value: 50 pln
Alloy: 999/1000 Ag
Diameter: 45 mm
Weight: 62.2 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 5000 pcs
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2015-03-03
Issue price: 720 pln
In the central part of the coin – portrait of Władysław II Jagiełło holding a shield in his hand. Above it – inscription: VLADISLAUS JAGELLO M DUX LITH (Władysław Jagiełło, the Grand Duke of Lithuania).

Designer: Anna Wątróbska-Wdowiarska
In the central part of the coin – brief biography of the ruler in Latin: OLGERDI/FILIUS,/SPONSUS HEDWIGIS/A•D•1385•DESIGN:CORON:1386./LITHUANIAM POLONIAE/UNIVIT, ET CHRISTIANAM / FECIT,ACADEMIAM/CRACOVIAE INSTITUIT,/EQUITES TEUTONICOS/AD GRUNVALDAM/PROSTRAVIT,NOBILEM/NON NISI JURE VICTUM/CAPTIVANDUM/DECREVIT./OBIIT A.D. 1434. Below it – image of the coat of arms eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland, dividing into two parts the year of issue: 20-15. Along the rim – inscriptions (separated by a decorative dot): RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (the Republic of Poland), 50 ZŁ (face value).

Designer: Robert Kotowicz

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Article linked with this coin

Treasures of King Stanislaw August – Ladislas Jagiello

The seventh coin of the series shows Jagiello, the ruler of Lithuania from 1377. He was crowned King of Poland in 1386, following his baptism, his marriage to Poland’s Queen Jadwiga of Anjou and the adoption of the name of Władysław (Ladislas). Fulfillment of these commitments resulted in the formation of the personal union between Poland and Lithuania and initiated the Christianization of Lithuania. Thus Ladislas became the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty, which ruled a significant part of Europe.

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