Ignacy Jan Paderewski [100]

Ignacy Jan Paderewski

Subject: 100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence by Poland
Face value: 100 pln
Alloy: 900/1000 Au
Diameter: 21 mm
Weight: 8 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 2000 pcs
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2018-10-30
Issue price: 1600 pln

Designer: Dobrochna Surajewska
In the central part of the coin – image of an eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland, dividing into two parts the year of issue: 2018. Along the rim – issuing country: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (the Republic of Poland). Below it – face value surrounded by two decorative lozenges: 100 ZŁ Below the left talon of the eagle – mint mark: m/w. In the background – decorative rays.

Designer: Dobrochna Surajewska

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100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence by Poland – Ignacy Jan Paderewski

When Ignacy Jan Paderewski came to Poznań on 26 December 1918, returning to his homeland after many years spent abroad, he was greeted like a monarch. Most likely few Poles followed his musical career, even though he had been giving concerts in many cities in Europe and in the Americas since the end of the 19th century. For his fellow countrymen, however, he became the personification of the hope that the Polish nation would sooner or later be able to regain its independence.

Paderewski used his growing artistic success to establish contacts with the important figures from the world of international politics. His efforts proved particularly fruitful in the United States, where he managed to get close to Woodrow Wilson. Therefore, when the president ...

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