State Archives Decree [10]

100th Anniversary of the Signing of the State Archives Decree

Subject: no
Face value: 10 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight: 14.14 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 12000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2019-02-05
Issue price: 130 pln
On the reverse, in the rim, the coin carries the inscription “100. ROCZNICA PODPISANIA DEKRETU O ARCHIWACH PAŃSTWOWYCH” [100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF THE STATE ARCHIVES DECREE]. The central part of the coin displays an image of a tree, with its right part being traditional, and its left part relating to the world of digital technology. On the one hand, the tree symbolises the continuity of tradition and rootedness in the past recorded in the archives. On the other hand, it constitutes a reference to the future, to the digitalisation of resources. The thirtythree leaves (traditional and “digital”) symbolise the contemporary network of state archives, and the centrally placed leaf in the crown of the tree – the Head Office of State Archives.

Designer: Robert Kotowicz
The obverse of the coin features compact shelving units used for storing archival documents and microprint with the repeated inscription “STATE ARCHIVES”, symbolising storage in digital format.

Designer: Robert Kotowicz

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Article linked with this coin

100th Anniversary of the Signing of the State Archives Decree

On 7 February 1919, Józef Piłsudski, Chief of State, signed the Decree on the Organisation of State Archives and the Custody of Archival Documents. The document served as a legal basis for the establishment and functioning of archives in the reborn Republic of Poland. It replaced the Regency Council Rescript on the archives, issued on 31 July 1918.

The Decree contains ten chapters on the organisation and tasks of creating the state archives network created from scratch. The archives were created at a very difficult time for the young state, without proper technical infrastructure and support necessary for the archives to operate smoothly. The centralised model of management adopted at that time was the only guarantee of the development of the ...

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