Bishop's Palace in Kraków [50]

The Bishop's Palace in Kraków

Subject: no
Face value: 50 pln
Alloy: 999/1000 Ag
Diameter: 45 mm
Weight: 62.2 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 6000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: glass insert
Date of issue: 2021-09-22
Issue price: 950 pln
The reverses of the silver coin feature the image of the façade and main portal of the Bishop’s Palace in Kraków with the coat of arms of John Paul II and his mosaic portrait from the famous papal window.

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec
The obverses of the silver coin feature the image of the Bishop’s Palace in Kraków.

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec

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Article linked with this coin

The Bishop's Palace in Kraków

3 Franciszkańska Street in Kraków has been the address of the Kraków bishops’ palace, the largest of the municipal buildings of the kind, since the end of the 14th century. Reconstructed over the following centuries, in the middle of the 17th century the palace adopted the then fashionable Italian Baroque style, which to this day is visible in the southern façade, flanked by two belvederes in the corners. At the beginning of the 19th century, Bishop Jan Paweł Woronicz established a romantic museum in the palace, which – with its famous historical room exhibiting paintings by Franciszek Smuglewicz and Michał Stachowicz – was devoted to the history of Poland and housed numerous sentimental relics from the Polish homeland’s past. The palace burnt down in July ...

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