Władysław Grabski [10]

Władysław Grabski

Subject: The Great Polish Economists
Face value: 10 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight: 14.14 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 10000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2022-04-21
Issue price: 170 pln
The reverse of the coin features the image of Władysław Grabski and the dates of his birth and death.

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec
On the obverse there is a quote from the article entitled Wychowanie publiczne jako czynnik sanacji gospodarczej [Public education as a factor of economic recovery] from his work O własnych siłach. Zbiór artykułów na czasie [On our own. A collection of up-to-date articles].

Designer: Dominika Karpińska-Kopiec

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Władysław Grabski

Władysław Grabski (1874–1938) was a politician, social activist and economist. He came from an old family of landed gentry. He studied in Poland, France, and Germany. In his youth, he sympathised with socialist ideas, but quickly moved closer to the nationalist ideology. In 1905, he was arrested by the Tsarist authorities and briefly imprisoned at the Pawiak prison for participating in a campaign for self-government and the polonisation of public institutions in the Kingdom of Poland. He was a delegate to three successive sessions of the Russian Duma in the years 1905–1912.

After the outbreak of World War I, he became a member of the Central Citizens’ Committee (Centralny Komitet Obywatelski) and the Polish National Committee (Komitet Narodowy ...

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