Jan Łaski [10]

500th anniversary of birth of Jan Łaski (1499-1560)

Subject: no
Face value: 10 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight: 14.14 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 20000 pcs
On the edge: 500-LECIE URODZIN, repeated and separated by a star
Additional: no
Date of issue: 1999-10-05
Issue price: 32 pln
Torso of Jan Łaski against the background of a stylized arcade. Above, on the right, torso of writing Erasmus of Rotterdam. In the bottom, a semicircular inscription: JAN ŁASKI - REFORMATOR KOŚCIOŁA (Joannes a Lasco - Church's Reforme); above, on the right a date: 1499-1560.

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
An image of the Eagle as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland against the background of a stylized wall of a temple. Above, a semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 1999 10 ZŁ. Below the left talon of the Eagle the Mint mark: MW.

Designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska

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