The Vistula Spit Canal [5]

The Vistula Spit Canal

Subject: Discover Poland
Face value: 5 pln
Alloy: (MN25/CuAl6Ni2) MN
Diameter: 24 mm
Weight: 6.54 g
Finish: standard
Mintage: 1000000 pcs
On the edge: irregularly milled; on the side an inscription: NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180°, separated by stars
Additional: no
Date of issue: 2023-05-22
Issue price: 5 pln
The reverse of the 5 złoty coin of the series “Discover Poland” – “The Vistula Spit Canal” features the Nowy Świat Harbour Master’s Office building and an entry to the canal from the Vistula Lagoon.

Designer: Paweł Pietras
In the central part of the coin – image of the coat of arms eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland. Below it – mint mark: m/w, year of issue: 2023. Along the rim on a separate ring – face value: 5 ZŁOTYCH (5 zloty), issuing country: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (the Republic of Poland).

Designer: Dobrochna Surajewska

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The Vistula Spit Canal

The first stage of construction of the new waterway connecting the Vistula Lagoon with the Gulf of Gdańsk took less than three years to complete, but the preparations for the project had begun much earlier. The very idea of building a canal dates back to the reign of King Stephen Bathory and after World War II it was revisited by Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, the builder of the harbour and the city of Gdynia: Two tasks of great economic importance are staring us in the face. One is to dig a canal across the Spit locking the Elbląg Bay, near Kahlberg, thus producing a straight and direct exit to the Baltic and enlivening the small fishing ports on that Bay.

Initial design work started as early as 2007, when a feasibility study concerning the potential ...

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