Salt-Mine in Wieliczka [20]

Salt-Mine in Wieliczka

Subject: Monuments of Material Culture in Poland
Face value: 20 pln
Alloy: 925/1000 Ag
Diameter: 38.61 mm
Weight: 28.28 g
Finish: proof
Mintage: 25000 pcs
On the edge: smooth
Additional: zirconium
Date of issue: 2001-03-21
Issue price: 53 pln
A scene presenting work in a salt mine in the past centuries: in central part an image of four miners rolling a block of salt, in the background: miners at work. Above an inscription: KOPALNIA SOLI (Salt Mine), below zirconium imitating a crystal of salt and an inscription: W WIELICZCE (in Wieliczka).

Designer: Robert Kotowicz
Image of the Eagle as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland, on the background of a stylised fragment of rock with salt veins. Below the Eagle, on the left side, the notation specifying the year of mintage: 2001, on the right side inscription: 20 / ZŁ. Above a semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA, below, on the background of stylised rock, an inscription: POLSKA. Under the left talon of the Eagle the Mint mark: MW.

Designer: Robert Kotowicz

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